
Prior Authorization Support* With SYMTUZA®

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Janssen can provide information and resources on the prior authorization (PA) process to help your patients get started on their prescribed Janssen medication.

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CoverMyMeds is a third-party service provider whose standard process allows for the secure electronic communication of prior authorization information between providers, payers and pharmacies through their online portal.

Janssen has entered into a contract with CoverMyMeds to further simplify the PA process for SYMTUZA® by:

  • Allowing pharmacies to initiate PA requests to providers upon Rx rejection. PA forms with patient and provider demographic information, prescription information, and insurance information may be sent by participating pharmacies to providers for completion.
  • Alerting the provider that the medication requires a PA. As with the CoverMyMeds standard process, the provider can then select the appropriate PA form for their completion.
  • Incorporating clinical questions commonly asked by payers into the CoverMyMeds payer-specific PA forms.
  • Adding information on Janssen patient support programs to the CoverMyMeds payer-specific PA forms, such as Savings Program offerings.

Providers can access this functionality directly on Janssen CarePath Provider Portal users can also access the CoverMyMeds ePA platform from within their Portal account at

One-on-one prior authorization assistance is available through Janssen CarePath and through contracted services with CoverMyMeds. This includes live support to provide payer-specific PA forms for online completion by the provider, monitoring the status of the PA submission, and providing notifications and alerts on Appeals process. No clinical guidance will be provided by Janssen or CoverMyMeds throughout the process.

For further information on CoverMyMeds, call 866-452-5017, Monday–Friday 8:00 AM-11:00 PM ET and Saturday 8:00 AM-6:00 PM ET or visit

For Janssen CarePath support, call 877-CarePath (877-227-3728), Monday–Friday 8:00 AM-8:00 PM ET or visit

CoverMyMeds is a registered trademark of CoverMyMeds LLC. All rights reserved.

*CoverMyMeds does not fill out any information that requires the medical judgment of the prescriber, and only the prescriber can determine whether to submit a prior authorization for a determination.